Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Power Networking

By Adam Rifkin as posted on Linkedin
Two years ago Fortune magazine identified me as the best networker on LinkedIn; this in turn led to some wonderful stories in Adam Grant's excellent book, GIVE AND TAKE.
Since then, every day people ask me about things I’ve learned about networking on Twitter, PandaWhale, and in real life.
I feel fortunate to have learned networking from many excellent teachers, and the greatest of these teachers was actually the Internet itself. The top three lessons of Internet computer networking serve as valuable lessons for human networking, too:
  1. Networks add value by getting bigger
  2. Networks add value by being used more
  3. Networks add value by being fault tolerant
Let's briefly explore each of these points, with some tactical advice on how to apply them.

1. Networks add value by getting bigger

It seems uncontroversial now, but that’s because our thinking has been so inflected by many years of access to a public, open, scalable Internet. Back in the day, many computer scientists argued that networks would maximize their value by being made out of nodes that were more tightly controlled by a single owner. Similarly, until recently, human networks were small, tightly connected, and controlled by gatekeepers such as elite colleges, social clubs, and prestigious professional organizations. The Web has been a great example of how technology — in the form of apps such as LinkedIn — can help foster more connections than can be maintained in real life.
TIP: Since networks add value by getting bigger, use every day as an opportunity to grow the quality of your connections. I am often asked how I created my network, especially given that I am naturally introverted. It turns out that building a network is not hard; with time and patience, you can do it, too. The key is to tend to your network a little bit at a time, over the course of many years.
A good rule of thumb is to connect with at least 1 and up to 3 people every day. More than 3 means you're not connecting deeply enough.
Each interaction need not take long; you can get started with just a single five minute favor each day. It's not about time; it's about authenticity. The main way to deepen a connection is through genuine interactions that share knowledge and stories and emotions.

2. Networks add value by being used more

There are many obvious downsides of heavy network usage: slowness, conflicts, lack of prioritization, lossiness, and low signal to noise ratio immediately come to mind. But the corresponding upsides include plenitude, ubiquity, rapid growth, and habituation. They don’t call them network effects for nothing! The same lessons apply to human networks: the more we reach out to our acquaintances, the more value we create not just for ourselves but for all of them, too.
TIP: It is important to connect EVERY day. Let's repeat that: EVERY SINGLE DAY.Some connections can be new (and, ideally, with a warm introduction from a mutual connection). Some connections should be re-connections with "dormant ties" that deepen a connection already made.
Relationships are progressions and re-connections are the fuel for that progress. Deepening 1-3 connections every single day makes you healthierhappier, and it's good for your career.

3. Networks add value by being fault tolerant

In many ways the Internet is the very worst designed network of all time (think about how often things fail when you're surfing The Web!) but paradoxically that is also its greatest strength. Every part of it was designed to fail early, often, and hard without impacting any other part too negatively. On the human level, I have learned that communities must also be designed to deal with messiness, loss, and failure. Unlike the architecture of the Internet, we also have the ability to learn and grow from the error conditions of life -- which ultimately makes the whole network stronger if we all share what we’ve learned.

TIP: Tend to your network like a garden, a little every day, by weakening connections. Weed your garden: If someone demonstrates s/he is not worth growing a connection with, do not invest more time with that person. Instead, invest that time in someone who IS worth knowing better. Over time, your network will dynamically reflect your efforts, and be wonderful and helpful not just to you, but to your connections, too.

We distill these lessons into 3 rules of thumb:

  1. Every day improve the quality of 1-3 of your best connections. Every single day.
  2. What you get out of your network depends on what you put into your network. Therefore, invest your time generously.
  3. We become more like the people with whom we spend time. Choose wisely.
Happy networking!
Source of the network at the top of this page is Flickr user yaph. Thank you yaph!
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Monday, August 5, 2013

How to Assess Your Organisation’s Capability to Innovate

In today’s rapidly evolving world the ability to create new value and the ability to be Innovative is now more important to an organisations survival than at any other time in our history.
The ability of organisations to assign the right level of resources in the right manner is critical to creating a successful Innovation Practice.
Innovation is much more than just a random amalgamation of people, processes and measurement methodologies. Innovation is the embodiment of human creativity and discovery but it only flourishes in the right environment. Creating a utopia innovation environment relies on your organisation’s ability and willingness to deliver the right resources at the right time in the right style.
Innovation Practices often contain a nucleus of creative lateral thinkers but many Executives today are still taught to exercise rational, logic centered decision making and the two cultures frequently clash leading to poor communication and ultimately reducing the Innovation Practices effectiveness.
Executives need to know what resources the Practise needs, why it needs them and if it gets them how it will leverage them to meet the organisations strategic objectives so with all of this in mind how do you assess and baseline your organisations capability and capacity to innovate and clearly determine which areas need resource?
Over the past six years the 311 Institute has studied hundreds of large Global enterprises and smaller regional organisations across a range of industries and geographies. The findings of these studies have led us to conclude that all successful innovation practises are built on six dynamically linked Foundations – Hunger, Culture, Community, Resources, Methods and Impact. In turn each Foundation contains three Blocks and each Block contains a series of questions which when collated produce an Innovation Maturity Score and clearly highlight the areas in need of improvement.


Blocks included in this Foundation: Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Learning

The “Hunger” Foundation appraises your organisations Entrepreneurial attitude, its appetite to change and its propensity to challenge its beliefs. Every organisation is permeated by a distinctive character and while it’s never explicitly referred to in annual statements when coupled with Behaviour it becomes one of the most important enabling factors in helping create a long term, successful Innovation Practise. History has shown us time and time again that entrepreneurial organisations that have an insatiable appetite for innovation and reinvention out perform their peers by thirty at least percent.


Blocks included in this Foundation: Energy, Engagement and Enablement

The “Culture” Foundation appraises how the organisation empowers individuals to rise above every day challenges, inspire others and overcome adversity in their pursuit of innovation. This appraisal not only assesses how effectively motivational leaders breed trust and promote behaviours that align with the organisations values, goals and ethics but also appraises how willing they are to disregard red tape and implement the tough decisions needed to assure the organisations short, medium and long term prosperity.


Blocks included in this Foundation: Collaboration, Safety and Simplicity

The “Community” Foundation appraises the tone of the workplace and how well people work in harmony with each other to achieve common goals. Innovation Practises are at their most effective when individuals are encouraged to gather insights from diverse groups of internal and external collaborations, openly share their opinions and empowered to make bold, intelligence led decisions.


Blocks included in this Foundation: Talent, Systems and Programs

The “Resources” Foundation appraises the accessibility to and the effectiveness of your organisations structural investment categories that need to be in place to help the Innovation Practise discover, prototype, test and market new innovations faster and more effectively. Investments types are more than monetary and must encompass a wide ranging suite of investment categories that enable the whole innovation lifecycle. Categories range from the investment in talent and systems all the way through to the gift of time and adequate working space. Collectively these investment categories all play integral roles in improving the speed, quality and return on investment.


Blocks included in this Foundation: Ideation, Testing and Speed

The “Methods” Foundation appraises the maturity and effectiveness that your organisations closed loop processes have on the overall success and morale of your Innovation Practise. Used carefully flexible, well designed processes can complement and enhance innovation but if they are deployed as blunt instruments they can also do more harm than good. Your organisation should schedule regular reviews that monitor the impact processes have on the morale and the effectiveness of innovation and your leaders must be willing to adapt them accordingly.


Blocks included in this Foundation: External, Organisational and Individual

The “Impact” Foundation appraises people’s perception and attitude towards your organisation and your Innovation Practice. Success in this factor is appraised from the perspectives of three principle groups. Firstly by people external to your organisation – business partners, competitors, analysts, investors, consumers and the media, secondly by your own Executives and thirdly by your employees. Each group will assess the impact and effectiveness of your Innovation Practise in different ways and while the majority of these perceptions will be important you must always remember to pull them back to how you and your organisation measure success.


Every new innovation is the product of a journey of discovery and toil. While many companies only focus on sustainable innovations and are satisfied with efficiency enhancements the companies that change the world are those that push the boundaries and disrupt existing markets while creating new ones. Disruptive innovation rarely happens by chance – it requires solid organisational support, rigid execution and an entrepreneurial spirit so if you can assess how well prepared you are for the journey ahead and adapt your organisation accordingly you’ll reach the end of your journey faster and more efficiently than your competition.
image credit: ggeden.com
- See more at: http://www.innovationexcellence.com/blog/2013/08/05/how-to-assess-your-organisations-capability-to-innovate/#sthash.LDLBXMYp.dpuf

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jakarta, Dubai, Miami Post Big Price Increases

Some of the luxury property markets hardest hit by the economic collapse posted the largest price increases in the world in 2012, according to Knight Frank's annual wealth report.
This article is the exact reason that WorldPosting is being received with great optimism!
Read the full article here.

International Buyers: A Significant Part of Real Estate Sales

NAR has estimated residential sales to foreign buyers at $ 82.5Billion for the 12 months ended March 2012, approximately 8.8 percent of the total residential market by dollar volume (http://www.realtor.org/reports/profilse-of-international-home-buying-activity).  Data for estimated commercial real estate sales to foreigners are more limited.  Real Capital Analytics provides information for transactions greater than $2.5 million.  RCA has reported the total market for larger U.S. commercial property sales over 2001-2012 at approximately $2.8 Trillion, with purchases by foreign buyers in the neighborhood of $212 Billion, or 7.7 percent of total sales.
Thirteen cities accounted for 81 percent of total foreign purchases of commercial real estate in the U.S.
Although commercial real estate sales to foreign buyers are relatively concentrated in the 13 markets, foreign investors have actually made purchases in a large number of cities, as indicated on the map.
Click chart to view larger version.
An interesting question is the choice by international buyers of U.S. cities for investment.
  • Some locations apparently have gained their prominence over relatively long periods of time as well known port cities or key economic centers of substantial size—e.g., Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle.
  • Other locations appear to be relatively high growth areas—e.g., Austin, Dallas, Houston, Miami, San Diego, and Washington, D.C.

Jed Smith, Managing Director, Quantitative Research

Jed Smith is Managing Director, Quantitative Research with the National Association of Realtors®. He has worked on real estate issues for the past 20 years, providing input on a variety of housing, commercial real estate, tax, and planning issues. Recently he has been involved in several international studies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Success is Timeless.


The avenue to success is timeless…..

  1. Men and women succeed because they take pains to succeed. Industry and patience are almost genius; and successful people are often more distinguished for resolution and perseverance than for unusual gifts. They make determination and unity of purpose supply the place of ability.
  2. Success is the reward of those who “spurn delights and live laborious days.” We learn to do things by doing them. One of the great secrets of success is “pegging away.”  No disappointment must discourage, and a run back must often be allowed, in order to take a longer leap forward.
  3. No opposition must be taken to heart. Our enemies often help us more than our friends. Besides, a head-wind is better than no wind. Who ever got anywhere in a dead calm?
  4. A fatal mistake is to imagine that success is some stroke of luck. This world is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere. Fortune sells her wares; she never gives them. In some form or other, we pay for her favors; or we go empty away.
  5. We have been told, for centuries, to watch for opportunities, and to strike while the iron is hot. Very good; but I think better of Oliver Cromwell’s amendment — “make the iron hot by striking it.”
  6. Everything good needs time. Don’t do work in a hurry. Go into details; it pays in every way. Time means power for your work. Mediocrity is always in a rush; but whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing with consideration. For genius is nothing more nor less than doing well what anyone can do badly.
  7. Be orderly. Slatternly work is never good work. It is either affectation, or there is some radical defect in the intellect. I would distrust even the spiritual life of one whose methods and work were dirty, untidy, and without clearness and order.
  8. Never be above your profession. I have had many letters from people who wanted all the emoluments and honors of literature, and who yet said, “Literature is the accident of my life; I am a lawyer, or a doctor, or a lady, or a gentleman.” Literature is no accident. She is a mistress who demands the whole heart, the whole intellect, and the whole time of a devotee.
  9. Don’t fail through defects of temper and over-sensitiveness at moments of trial. One of the great helps to success is to be cheerful; to go to work with a full sense of life; to be determined to put hindrances out of the way; to prevail over them and to get the mastery. Above all things else, be cheerful; there is no beatitude for the despairing.
  • Apparent success may be reached by sheer impudence, in defiance of offensive demerit. But men who get what they are manifestly unfit for, are made to feel what people think of them. Charlatanry may flourish; but when its bay tree is greenest, it is held far lower than genuine effort. The world is just; it may, it does, patronize quacks; but it never puts them on a level with true men.    
  • It is better to have the opportunity of victory, than to be spared the struggle; for success comes but as the result of arduous experience. The foundations of my success were laid before I can well remember; it was after at least forty-five years of conscious labor that I reached the object of my hope. Many a time my head failed me, my hands failed me, my feet failed me, but, thank God, my heart never failed me.

Monday, January 28, 2013

SOCIAL PLATFORMS GWI.8 UPDATE: Decline of Local Social Media Platforms


Posted on January 22, 2013 by Brett11
Data collected in GWI.8 (Q4 2012) demonstrates the continued shift in usage from localised social platforms to global ones with huge growth for Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. The fastest growing network in 2013 in terms of “Active Usage” (defined as “Used or contributed to in the past month”) was Twitter which grew 40% to 288m across our 31 markets (approximately 90% of global internet population). 21% of the global internet population now use Twitter actively on a monthly basis. This compares to 21% actively using YouTube, 25% actively using Google+ and a staggering 51% using Facebook on a monthly basis.
For those who follow the GlobalWebIndex regularly, it is important to note that between Q2 and Q4 2012 we revised our universe figures, based on newly available public data on country level internet population aged 16 to 64. This revision has also been applied to historical numbers and has lowered the figures slightly down, but proportionally, the numbers remain the same as in previous iterations of the research. The trends we’ve seen remain and are becoming ever clearer as we move forward.
Top 25 Services by Active Users December 2012
Social Platform Active Usage (Past Month)  (% of global internet users)

Facebook battles back against “Facebook fatigue”

Something we’re seeing in our initial findings is an return to growth for Facebook. We now estimate that Facebook has 903m accounts across 31 markets among 16-65 year olds. If we scale this up to the remaining 10% of global internet users we do not yet survey and factor in accounts for under-16s and over-65s our estimates fall in line with Facebook’s claimed 1 billion user figure.
2012 saw Facebook shrug off the potential for Facebook fatigue and saturation in a spectacular way with active users growing 33% to 693m users globally. Watch out for an in-depth post on this later this week where we’ll dig deeper into the numbers.

Google+ grows to become 2nd largest social platform globally

Google+, who despite being branded a failure or ghost town by large portions of the media, grew in terms of active usage by 27% to 343m users to become the number 2 social platform. Interestingly for Google, YouTube (not previously tracked by us as a social platform) comes in at number 3, demonstrating the immense opportunity of linking Google’s services through the G+ social layer. This is also a key indication of why Google+ integrated with the Google product set is so key to the future of search and the internet. We’ve got more coming on Google+ later this week as well.

Local social platforms in marked decline

The growth in the large, global social platforms is coming broadly at the expense of local services like MeinVz, Hyves, Copains d’Avant. Even more interestingly, we are seeing a large decline across the board in local Chinese services with Tencent Weibo, Kaixin, Sina Weibo and QZone all declining substantially, up to 57% in the case of Tencent Weibo.
The case of China is interesting, but not unexpected. Social networks / services grew massively from 2009 to 2012 and some saturation is expected despite China being the world’s most socially active market. There are, however, some other reasons for declines in active usage that we have identified:
  • There are many networks, and it’s inevitable, despite China’s huge population and growing internet penetration that such a large number of mass market networks cannot be maintained;
  • Growing government clamp down with real names and phone number becoming the required standard for signing up;
  • Shifting of usage to more informal social media including blogs and forums, where privacy is easier to maintain;
  • Growth of apps and mobile;
  • Growth of international networks through proxy servers, VPNs, access through multi-national company networks and mobile apps.

Real Estate Marketing on the Internet

The internet has become the REALTOR‘s digital for sale sign. 5853554-home-for-sale-sign-in-front-of-new-house Per The Digital House Hunt, a Joint Study from National Association of REALTORS® and Google,
  • Home shoppers using search engines are actively engaged, raising their hands asking for more information or assistance.
  • Real estate consumers who use the internet while researching a home are more likely to use multiple sources.
  • REALTORS® using offline marketing and sales channels should incorporate digital to complement those efforts.
The study outlines every demographic group’s increasing use of the internet, internet searches and social media channels and its application to each housing segment.
With the digital for sale sign real estate is global, as proven by the National Association of REALTORS®.study 2012 Profile of International Home Buying Activity ,
  • International Sales are 9 Percent of Total Residential Market.
  • International Sales Grew in U.S. at 24 Percent in Past Year.
  • International Sales–A Specialized Market, Facilitated by Language Skills, Cultural Awareness, and Visibility.
Previsite’s product and services provide the REALTORS® with the tolls and services necessary to meet today’s digital sales requirements.
SOCIAL MEDIA AGENT OFFERING: The package allows the agent to create video tour and publish their listings to Facebook, YouTubeTwitter, the agent website and share on other social sites including LinkedIn, Dailymotion, Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon, Craigslist and more.   The agent simply input their Facebook, YouTube and Twitter social account URL’s into the offering for this syndication to occur.  All agents utilizing this Previsite Offering will be able to create their own tours and use all the features and services of the Previsite solution on a unlimited basis including but not limited to: floor plans, music and narration, local area maps, syndication to major portals, auto-post to social media sites, lead capture, and statistics.
The agent offering comes in two sizes
1-25 current active listings at $299.95 per year.
26-50 current active listings at $499.95 per year.
Social Media Broker/Company Offering: The base package includes complete integration of the real estate companies: Website / Listings / IDX, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Video Tour.  Previsite will import 100% of Customer’s active listing inventory using different methods most suitable to the Customer (RETS, XML, Web service and ftp). Utilizing Previsite’s Rich Media Content conversion algorithms, Previsite will import those listings data into the latest Previsite viewer, animating still images.  The solution will automatically and daily drive the listings into FacebookYouTubeTwitter, with additional options for PinterestGoogle plus and Unique URL.   The listings are key word enriched to increase SEO.  All of broker’s agents will be provided an agent tool box cascading the same tools to each agents social channels. 
For information on this product please contact previsitesales@previsite.com.
WorldPosting:  The unique solution “ WorldPosting ” allows your real estate listing to be seen by over 70 million potential buyers and investors with a global network of leading real estate portals.  Previsite will import, process and automatically distribute your listings across a wide range of property portals around the world. Listings are translated to the language specific to that respective portal location.
For information on this product please contact previsitesales@previsite.com.
Virtual Tour, our heritage product is used by tens of thousand agent/brokers and real estate companies world wide. Previsite has developed multiple panoramic viewer (JAVA, Flash, HTML5, etc..) in order to render the best experience for all customers. We also provide customization for Brokers, Franchises and Groups. Pricing for the Previsite VT is $199.95 per year.
Training on all products is provided by Previsite’s professional staff and  via webinar, video library & continued support through phone and email.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Realtors: Home-Buyers “Zero Moment of Truth”!

Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) is defined by Google as the idea that home shopping is no longer about showing up at a REALTORs office or an open house, seeking advice or counsel on what to buy or how much they should pay.   Google’s ZMOT handbook explains, “the sales funnel isn’t really a funnel anymore.” Consumers are empowered, by the internet, allowing them to conduct research prior to this critical ZMOT.
Jim Lecinski, Google’s ZMOT expert states, “at the Zero Moment of Truth, today’s shoppers bounce back and forth at their own speed in a multi-channel marketplace. They switch devices to suit their needs at any given moment. They search; go off to look at reviews, ratings, styles and prices; and then search again. They see ads on TV and in newspapers and online. They walk into local stores to look at products. They talk to friends, over the back fence and on social media. Then it’s back to ZMOT for more information.”
Home buyers are using the web in record numbers;*
  • 9 out of 10 rely on the internet for primary research
  • 52% use the web as 1st choice
  • Google real estate searches increased 22% year to year, plus 1/5 of these searches occurred mobile growing 120% from 2011 to 2012
Video satisfies multiple house hunting needs;*
  • 70% of homebuyers tour the inside of a home
  • 86% of homebuyers search specific community info
  • 54% of homebuyers obtain general property info
  • 44% of homebuyers compare multiple company features
*Per The Digital House Hunt, joint study by NAR and Google
Home buyers place YouTube as the number 1 video search site

“Increasingly, online technologies are driving offline behaviors, and home buying is no exception.  With 90 percent of home-buyers searching online during their home buying process, the real estate industry is smart to target these people where they look for and consume information.”  Said, Patrick Grandinetti, Google’s head of real estate, in a statement.
REALTOR’s that are winning the listing battle and selling homes grasp the trend of consumers use of the internet to research brokers/agents, homes, communities, prices and more.  Previsite’s real estate marketing services for both brokers and agents create multi-media formats like video and virtual tours and distributes  listings to YouTubeFacebookTwitter and other sites primarily used by the consumer.   Contact Previsite today to learn more previsitesales@previsite.com.