Yes, you have a personal brand. Everything you do or do not do has an impact on your brand image. Take control of our personal brand, if you do not, you risk the peril of others defining the who, what, why, where and how of your life.
you are the brand, be confident, positive and all ways present yourself professionally. You never know who may be watching and listening. That person you impressed at the grocery or the department store may be a potential client, job interview or your child's future teacher or principal. The fact that you held the door for others to enter; or that you gave up a parking space; or how you introduce yourself; or your reaction to an adverse public situation, all of these define you as a brand.

With the internet and social networking, everything, regardless of location or setting, will impact you personally. Start by Google-ing your name and review the results, you may be pleased or shocked. Anything posted to the internet or social networks about you is there forever, so be careful in what you post, say, do or what other people post say or do with your name or photos.
Stephanie Fierman's class and the
summary of the class at The CMO Site on personal brand guarding, detail specific actions to take to control and guard your on line brand.
Be you, but remember you are the BRAND!